The research is devoted to the analysis of business problems in the biofuel industry, which can be solved by adjusting public policies.
Prerequisite for creating this book were the following factors:
- The need for revision, harmonization of the regulatory field and practices of doing business in the field of biofuel production and sales, in accordance with the requirements of the EU Directives;
- The strategic importance of the biofuel industry for energy and ecological safety of Ukraine;
- The presence of conflict situations between the state and business;
- Low growth rates of consumption of liquid motor biofuels.
Correct and complete awareness of this problem will allow to approach the reform of the state regulation system, remove unjustified barriers, optimize procedures, correct mistakenly or excessively applied regulation, implement best world practices.
The result of the implementation of the Office’s approaches to solving problems will be the development of production and consumption of liquid motor biofuels, saving oil products, reducing dependence on oil and petroleum products imports, economic growth and competitiveness of domestic goods, reducing the harmful impact of vehicles on the natural environment, reducing unemployment, reducing financial and time business expenses.
The Green Book is based on the analysis of Ukrainian legislation as of 01.03.2019 and available in Ukrainian here.
The document was prepared by the experts of the Better Regulation Delivery Office. Details: