Land bank | 82.5 thousand ha |
Main office | Mykolaiv |
Working in | Vinnytsya region, Zhytomyr region, Luhans'k region, Mykolayiv region, Poltava region, Sumy region, Kharkiv region, Khmelnytsky region, Cherkasy region |
Phone | +38 (0512) 37-23-44, +38 (0512) 58-04-04, |
mail1@nibulon.com.ua, mail3@nibulon.com.ua | |
Site | http://www.nibulon.com/ |
NIBULON is one of the largest domestic producers and exporters of agricultural products (wheat, barley, rapeseed, corn, sorghum, soybean, sunflower, etc.). During its development, NIBULON has methodically expanded its geographic reach and range of production activities. The company has 22 production branches located in nine regions of Ukraine.
Main Nibulon activities:
Grain storage, processing and transshipment. Trade activity
Foreign economic activity
Shipbuilding and ship repair
Agricultural commodities production and processing
Livestock farming