Land bank | 15 thousand ha |
Main office | Zaporizhzhia |
Working in | Dnipropetrovs'k region, Zaporizhzhya region |
Phone | +38 061 702-02-02 |
office@ofc-pkd.com.ua | |
Site | http://dneprovsky.com/uk |
Agro-industrial Group of Companies «Dneprovskaya» is the managing company of agrarian business.
The vertically integrated business structure unites the work of enterprises of the Dnipro and Zaporizhzhya regions.
Agro-industrial Group of Companies «Dneprovskaya» produces:
- Barley
- Wheat
- Rape
- Peas
- Sunflower
Our technological processes of cultivating grain crops meet the standards. All agrotechnical methods of sowing, introduction of mineral fertilizers, cultivation of crops by means of plant protection are timely performed.