Land bank | 151 thousand ha |
Main office | Kyiv |
Working in | Luhans'k region, Kyiv, Kharkiv region |
Phone | +38 044 594 51 59 |
office@agroton.com.ua | |
Site | http://www.agroton.com.ua/en/ |
Agroton is a diversified vertically integrated agricultural producer in Eastern Ukraine. The Group’s core business is crop production, comprising principally sunflower seeds and wheat, as well as the processing, storage, and sale of such crops. In addition, the Group is engaged in livestock and food processing.
In 2001-2009, Agroton tripled its harvested area from 41,000 hectares to almost 140,000 hectares. At present Agroton harvests 151,000 hectares of “black soil” arable land, operates storage facilities with a combined capacity of 285,000 tonnes and produces and sells high-quality livestock.
Currently, Agroton is the fourth largest producer in Ukraine and the sixth largest producer in Europe by harvested land among publicly traded agribusinesses.
Main company activities:
- production of sunflower (Agroton – №1 in Ukraine, the growing area is about 48000 hectares)
- wheat production (Agroton – №4 in Ukraine, the growing area is about 50,000 hectares)
- grain storage (Agroton – №1 on elevator facilities in the Luhansk region with a total capacity of 235,000 tons)
- production of poultry (Agroton – №1 in the Luhansk region, raising about 4,000,000 hens)
- milk production (Agroton – №5 by volume of in Ukraine with growing 4,500 heads of dairy heads)
- bakery production (Agroton – №2 in Lugansk, producing about 7,000 tons of bakery products annually)