Electricity production from RES in 2023


Electricity production from RES: trends

At the beginning of 2024, the installed capacity of RES facilities increased by 238 MW, compared to 2022, and reached 8,773 MW. Currently, more than one thousand companies work in the sector, operating more than 1,767 RES facilities/installations. About 157 MW of new wind power capacity, 56 MW of SPP and 23 MW of biomass received a feed-in-tariff.

The total amount of green electricity production did not change, compared to 2022, and reached about 8 million MWh. The biggest drop in electricity production in 2023 was recorded at wind power plants – 43%. At other facilities there was an increase in production by 10-61%.

Electricity production from RES

In 2023, the feed-in-tariff is set for 65 objects/installations. In 2023, none of the companies received an allowance for the local component. The total number of facilities that received an allowance for the local component is 181 generation units, of which the largest number – 120 units – use solar energy.

Electricity production from biomass

The capacity of TPPs/CHPs operating on biomass increased by 23.6 MW and reached 178 MW.  24 facilities/installations were operating in 2023. About 110 MW of TPP/CHP capacities operate on sunflower husks and 67 MW use wood chips.

The annual volume of electricity production increased by 61% from 288 million kWh to 464 million kWh. In general, the utilization ratio of the installed capacity of TPPs/CHPs on biomass increased from 21% to 34% in Ukraine. More than 78% of electricity was produced from sunflower husks.

Only a few companies have an average annual utilization rate of more than 65%, and some companies have resumed operations in 2023, but have not been able to ramp up production sufficiently. Unfortunately, more than 5 facilities never resumed their work on the market.

Electricity production from biomass

Electricity production from biogas

The total installed capacity of biogas facilities is 135 MW. This indicator has not changed. The average utilization rate of the installed electrical capacity of biogas plants is 49%.

A total of 68 installations, the operators of which are 43 legal entities, received a feed-in-tariff, and 12 installations/objects received a surcharge for the local component.

The total volume of electricity production from biogas increased by 15% to 580 million kWh. Of the total number, 20 installations did not produce electricity at all. Only 5 plants had indicators of the installed capacity use at the level of 75-82%.

Electricity production from biogas

Names of the companies and detailed information are anonymized for security reasons. With this material, we aim to demonstrate general market trends.

This analysis was prepared for SAF Ukraine by Yevhen Oliinyk, an expert of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine.