A manual “Comprehensive analysis of the Ukrainian biomass pellets market (definition of growth points)” has been prepared by the experts of SEC “Biomass” within the UNDP/GEF project “Development and commercialization of bioenergy technologies in the municipal sector of Ukraine”.
Recently, there have been noticeable changes in the energy sector of Ukraine, in particular within the field of renewable energy, as well as in an individual and district heating. Issues of energy security, reduction of dependence on the imported energy, especially on the natural gas are becoming increasingly important. The Government has made the gradual alignment of natural gas prices and its subsidy reduction to certain categories of consumers, increasing their interest in the other fuels usage.
A number of the documents had been adopted, reinforcing the legislative framework for the RES implementation, in particular, the biomass usage, as well as encouraging the natural gas substitution by the other energy sources.
The next important documents should be mentioned:
- the National Action Plan on the Renewable Energy for the period up to 2020;
- the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “On stimulating of the natural gas substitution in the thermal energy production for the institutions and organizations financed from the state and the local budgets” and “On stimulating of the natural gas replacement within the heating sector”;
- the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “Plan for short- and medium-term measurements for the natural gas consumption reduction for the period till 2017”.
To download this manual from the website of the “Development and commercialization of bioenergy technologies in the municipal sector of Ukraine” (in Ukrainian) or here.