Land bank | 29 thousand ha |
Main office | Kyiv |
Working in | Vinnytsya region, Zhytomyr region, Kyiv |
Phone | +38 (044) 206-11-82 |
info@cygnet.ua | |
Site | http://cygnet.ua/ |
Land bank of CYGNET Group is situated not far from each other, the distance between the furthest farms is 80 км. All territories have an optimal combination of fertile soils, ample precipitation and summer temperature to create optimal growing conditions.
Cygnet Holding grows:
- Corn
- Soy beans
- Winter wheat
- Sugar beets
ZHYTOMYR REGION: Popilnya area, Ruzhyns’ka area
VINNYTSIA REGION: Kozyatyn area, Pogrebysche area