Land bank | 57 thousand ha |
Main office | Kyiv |
Working in | Kyiv region, Kyiv, Poltava region, Cherkasy region, Chernihiv region |
Phone | +38 04576 62 572 |
office@grainalliance.com | |
Site | http://www.grainalliance.com/ua/ |
The head quarter is situated in Stockholm, but all operational activity is situated in Ukraine in the town of Berezan approximately 50 km from Kiev. All ownership is in Sweden in the holding company Grain Alliance, which in turn is the 100% owner of the Ukrainian subsidiaries. The company is managed in a prooven traditional form with an elected board and an executive management team.
The long term goal is to grow up to more than 100 000 hectares of cultivated land and outreach western producers in terms of productivity.